Hello, everyone!
Hopefully not everyone left in my absence! I sincerely apologize for being away, but I have been extremely busy. I know that a lot of these are going to be somewhat outdated, but I couldn't bring myself to delete the articles, links and news reports I had found, so here is a Sci-Bits running from January to now (or at least, ones I have located within that timeframe). That should put me back on schedule!
This is the amazing design for NASA’s Star Trek-style space ship, the IXS Enterprise
Chemistry supports the identification of gender-specific reproductive tissue in Tyrannosaurus rex
Pregnant T. Rex Fossil Found With Possible DNA
One of Britain’s Largest Ichthyosaurs Goes on Display
Stegosaurus bite strength revealed
Digging Up Our Prehistoric Past: New Horned Dinosaur Discovered In Southern Utah
Inside a Paleontologist's Field Kit
Power Tools of the Trade: Paleontology
Monster Mystery Solved
Girls Dig Dinosaurs: Why Women are the Future of Palaeontology
PHOTOS: Triceratops Battle Scars Found on Skull
The odd little reptiles of the Triassic forests: Longisquama
Fossil Hotbed Reveals New, Scary Flying Reptile
Saga of the Spinosaurus: A Dinosaur-Sized Mystery
The horniest dinosaurs were the sexiest, scientists claim
Giant Siberian unicorn may have existed at the same time as humans, fossil find hints
New Species Of Extinct Reptile Found In Arizona’s Petrified Forest
How Mark Norell, a Paleontologist, Spends His Sundays
Mary Anning (1799-1847): The Princess of Paleontology
How do we know what dinosaurs looked like?
Mysterious Jurassic sea monster unveiled
The Dinosaurs of Crystal Palace: Among the Most Accurate Renditions of Prehistoric Life Ever Made, by Darren Naish
Ice Age Death Trap Yields an Unexpected Carnivore, by Brian Switek
North American Mammoths May Have Been a Single Species, by Brian Switek
Armored dinosaur was a fish-eating turtle-mimic
Bird wings trapped in amber are a fossil first from the age of dinosaurs
Newly discovered flesh eating dinosaur roamed Earth 95 million years ago and was size of double decker bus
Killer Bite of the Otter Bear
Late Triassic too hot for dinosaurs
New Bird Lineage From Early Cretaceous Period
Bizarre, Giant Birds Once Ruled the Skies
T. rex's Oddball Vegetarian Cousin Discovered
Ask Fuzzy: Fossils leave death clues
How to raise a dinosaur? Tiny fossil may tell us
Early armored dino from Texas lacked cousin’s club-tail weapon, but had a nose for danger
A New Brazilian Titanosaur (Most Likely)
Famous paleontologist retires after 34 years
Famed paleontologist Horner says he was pushed out of museum, Krauss questions leadership
If Dung Beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) Arose in Association with Dinosaurs, Did They Also Suffer a Mass Co-Extinction at the K-Pg Boundary?
Women in Paleontology: A Celebration of Female Field Scientists
Vintage Dinosaur Art: Predatory Dinosaurs of the World - Part 1
A new face for Dorudon – archeocetes with stubbly beards
A large-clawed theropod (Dinosauria: Tetanurae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Australia and the Gondwanan origin of megaraptorid theropods
Scientists Recover an Abundance of Fossils and Geologic Data from Antarctica
Off to the Field!
Ancient Egyptians Collected Fossils, by Adrienne Mayor
The First Image Ever of a Hydrogen Atom's Orbital Structure
Juno Images Provide an Unprecedented View of Jupiter
Philae Found!
Jupiter, the (Surprising and Weird) King of the Planets, by Phil Plait
Newly discovered microbe does something textbooks say is impossible: it lives without mitochondria
80 Percent of Young Environmental Scientists Could Use More Natural History Training
What is the Highest Place on Earth?
Ming The Clam Was The World's Oldest Animal
A Single Drop of Seawater, Magnified 25 Times
Scientists Discover 'Remarkable Little Octopod,' Possibly New Species
How to Raise a Genius: Lessons from a 45-Year Study of Supersmart Children
South Koreans kick off efforts to clone extinct Siberian cave lions
Alien Interpreters: How Linguists Would Talk to Extraterrestrials
Transparent Aluminum Now A Reality
What’s It Like to Get a Ph.D. in Science?
Zoologists hunting Tasmanian tiger declare 'no doubt' species still alive
Male Gorillas Often Sing, Hum While Eating
"Living dinosaur" moth discovered in Australia
A Great White Shark Got Caught Napping on Camera for the First Time Ever
How A Geologist Designed The Perfect App For The Window Seat
Researchers capture and tag rare adult speartooth sharks for first time
Meet The Closest Living Relative To The Extinct Dodo Bird With Incredibly Colorful Iridescent Feathers
Carnegie Museum's new 'Pterosaurs' exhibit wows with size, speed, diversity
How to survive extinction: live fast, die young
Creepy New Fossil Shows the Dawn of Spiders
Researchers Find Erect Daddy Longlegs Penis Preserved in Amber for the First Time Ever
Spinosaurus aegyptiacus All Yestered
Irish scientist's fossil study to reveal colours of dinosaurs
Fossil Friday – sloth ulna
Giant alligator roams golf course in Florida
Coelacanth, the Famous "Living Fossil" Fish, Gets Endangered Species Act Protection
Identification of animals and plants is an essential skill set
Found: A Giant Coral Reef at the Mouth of the Amazon River
First Audio Recordings From the Bottom of the Mariana Trench are Nightmare Fuel
Why These Museum Ads With Will Ferrell Make Me Really, Really Mad
Video! The sea slug that looks and swims like a fish
Japan Kills 200 Pregnant Minke Whales
‘Rollie Pollies’ Remove Heavy Metals From Soil, Stabilize Growing Conditions, & More
Mysterious Chimpanzee Behavior May Be Evidence of "Sacred" Rituals
Researchers Find Fish That Walks the Way Land Vertebrates Do
This Is How Soon You'd Die Around The Solar System
Scientists discover how to 'upload knowledge to your brain'
How Ancient Coral Revealed the Changing Length of a Year
Bringing EM Back
Rare Amber-Entombed Lizards Preserved in Amazing Detail
Funding Freeze Hits Natural History Museum Collections
Japan’s Lost Black Hole Satellite Just Reappeared and Nobody Knows What Happened to It
Where the Whale Things Are
Manta rays are first fish to recognise themselves in a mirror
Why watching comb jellies poop has stunned evolutionary biologists
Our Natural History, Endangered
Scientists gear up to drill into 'ground zero' of the impact that killed the dinosaurs
Little Critters that tell a BIG Story: Benthic Foraminifera and the Gulf Oil Spill
The White House Wants To Use Science Fiction To Settle The Solar System
Bats Beat Ebola with Hypervigilant Immunity
This Indonesian Volcano Just Erupted Electric Blue Lava!
Man-Made Earthquake Hotspot Revealed: Oklahoma
Divers' unique perspectives on reefs supports science
Scientists want to bring 24 animals back from extinction (Dodos make the list... but dinosaur DNA is so old, Jurassic Park isn't an option)
What Hiking Does To The Brain Is Pretty Amazing
Too much sleep could kill you, claims study
'Suicide by LION': Man strips naked and jumps into a Chilean zoo's enclosure in a bid to feed himself to a big cat - and only survives in a grave condition after two beasts mauling him were SHOT DEAD
Project Broadtail: A Citizen Science Project
Stop ‘Defending’ Music Education
Top 75 Spaceships in movies and TV
Here's to hoping I get around to posting more!